
Pastorale, Narratiewe Beradingsdienste & Terapeutiese Dienste

Is jy of jou kinders, familie of vriende moedeloos of moeg om te worstel met probleme waarvoor jy nie antwoorde kan vind nie?

Therapeia het professioneel opgeleide beraders en terapeute wat kan help met depressie, angs, seksuele misbruik, kapings, aanrandings, verkragting, huweliksontrou, herstel na egskeiding, rousmart, of watter ander probleme ookal.

Ons help graag kinders, tieners en volwassenes, in Afrikaans of Engels, ongeag ras, seksuele oriëntasie of geloofsoortuiging. Ons kinderberading sluit onder andere die volgende in:
Sosio-emosionele assessering van kinders; “Theraplay” (kinderterapie met behulp van honde); en spraakvlotheid.

Therapeia het ook ‘n groeiende netwerk van professionele persone na wie verwys kan word in verband met chemiese verslawing, pornografie en psigiatriese probleme wat medikasie vereis. Hierdie netwerk sluit o.a. kliniese en bedryfsielkundiges, psigiaters, lewensafrigters, fisioterapeute, arbeidsterapeute, dieetkundiges, algemene praktisyns en finansiële adviseurs in.

Ons kan ook help met die opstel van CV’s en professionele optrede gedurende werksonderhoude.

Vir afsprake kontak Corné Niebuhr by
e-pos: ncorne@oosterlig.co.za
WhatsApp: 072 933 5026


Corné Niebuhr

e-pos: ncorne@oosterlig.co.za
WhatsApp: 072 933 5026

Pastoral, Narrative Counselling Services
& Therapeutic Services

Are you or your children, family or friends discouraged or tired of struggling with problems for which you don’t have answers?

Therapeia has professionally trained counsellors and therapists who can assist with depression, anxiety, sexual abuse, hijacking, assault, rape, marital infidelity, repair after divorce, mourning or whatever other problems they may be facing.

We gladly assist children, teenagers and adults, in Afrikaans or English, irrespective of race, sexual orientation or religious conviction. Our counselling of children include, among others, the following: socio-emotional assessment; “Theraplay” (counselling of children using dogs as a mediation tool); and speech fluency.

Therapeia also has a growing network of professionals to whom we can refer in connection with chemical addiction, pornography, and psychiatric problems that require medical treatment. This network includes, among others, clinical and industrial psychologists, life coaches, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, general practitioners and financial advisors.

We can also assist with the compilation of CVs, and professional conduct during work interviews.


Corné Niebuhr

e-pos: ncorne@oosterlig.co.za
WhatsApp: 072 933 5026